Titel: To dream again
Interpret: Lynn Chircop
Termin: 07./08.02.2003
Ort: Mdina-Ta´Qali/"Ta´Qali Arena"
Modus: Halbfinale mit 24 Titeln

Vorläufiges Endergebnis:

1. Lynn Chircop To dream again 150
2. Lawrence Gray Why not 147
3. Gunther Chetcuti Light of my fire ?


Folgende 16 Titel haben sich aus dem Halbfinale qualifiziert:

The Mics Take me back again
Olivia Lewis/IQ Starting Over
Lawrence Gray Why not
Marisa D'amato Survive (to stay alive)
Karl & Adreana Angels
Eleonor Cassar Someday you will see
Gunther Chetcuti Light my fire
Rosman Pace Love will shine forever
Konrad Pule Everywhere you go
Lynn Chircop To dream again
Natasha & Charlene Superstitious
Paul Giordmaina, Andrew Zammit, Godwin Lucas My song
Julie Zahra & Ludwig Galea My number one
Romina Mamo Here today gone tomorrow
Karen Polidano One Touch
Lawrence Gray And the music


Hier die komplette Teilnehmerliste der Halbfinals:

Roger Tirazona Feel the beat
The Mics Take me back again
Olivia Lewis Starting Over
Mark Tonna Welcome
Lawrence Gray Why not
Marisa D'amato Survive (to stay alive)
Karl & Adreana Angels
Shirley Galea Call my name
Eleonor Cassar Someday you will see
Gunther Chetcuti Light my fire
Natasha & Charlene Rain of fire
Rita Pace On top of the world
Eleonor Cassar Tell me why
Rosman Pace Love will shine forever
Konrad Pule Everywhere you go
Nadine Axisa Look at me
Lynn Chircop To dream again
Johanna Guzman I believe in love
Natasha & Charlene Superstitious
P. Giordmaina, A. Zammit, G. Lucas My song
Julie Zahra & Ludwig Galea My number one
Romina Mamo Here today gone tomorrow
Karen Polidano One Touch
Lawrence Gray And the music


Hier sind die 50 Liedertitel, aus denen die 24 Teilnehmer der Semi-Finals ausgewählt werden:

Take me back again
Someday you will see
Close to my heart
Look at me
Survive (to stay alive)
Why not
Call it love
On top of the world
Time for us
Call my name
Here today gone tomorrow
Starting over
Till i can't take it anymore
It could be you
Light of my life
Everywhere i go
Stay with me
Desert fire
A dream for two
One way love
My song
As simple as that
The smile on your face
Songs of spring
One touch
Show me you're mine
Love will shine forever
My number one
Don't tell me it's over
Without you
Tell me why
My one and only
I believe in love
To the limit
To dream again
And the music
Loving without you
I wait for you
Rain of fire
Never be the same
Keep dancing to the beat
A new day
Feel the beat


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